For the next month, focus on your most important asset—you!

Self-care is more important than ever, especially after a few years in lockdown. And while taking care of yourself may not be your top priority, it’s time to show yourself some love!
With you in mind, we’ve created the perfect 30-Day Self-Care Challenge to help you find ways to continually improve your health and well-being. From working out to meditation and journaling, each day offers up a new challenge to improve either your mental, physical or emotional health. So, follow along for the next 30 days to keep showing up for yourself!

What’s Next?
Now that you’ve completed your 30-Day Self-Care Challenge, consider committing to another one. Create your own calendar and choose 30 tasks to complete over the course of the next month. Or visit Gymondo and start a 30-day workout challenge!
If you need more inspo, here are a few ideas that you could add to your challenge list:
Go alcohol-free for 30 days
Eat your meals mindfully and without distractions
Walk 10,000 steps a day
Join an online fitness community
Jot down 3 things you love about yourself
Start a new hobby
Treat yourself to a facial or massage
Clean your house or apartment
Sit in nature
Eat something green with every meal
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