Gymondo® Magazine: Fitness, Nutrition & Weight Loss

6 Reasons to Drink Less Alcohol This Holiday Season 

This holiday season, you may have some time off from work, plans with your family and friends and parties and celebrations to do. Enjoy it! But remember, it’s easy to overdo it over the holidays. 

Drinking too much gets in the way of making holiday memories – and keeping them too. Here are 6 reasons to drink less (or completely avoid) alcohol this holiday season. 

#1: Alcohol Is Composed of Empty Calories 

I’m guessing none of us want to waste our daily caloric consumption on nutrient-poor foods, which is easy to do over the holidays. While holiday treats are the poster child of empty calories, alcohol is just as guilty. In fact, alcohol contains absolutely no beneficial nutrients at all. Not only that, one drink alone can rack up a heavy amount of calories (and sugar). After all, the term “beer gut” got its name for a reason. 

If you choose to drink, drink wisely. And make sure to stay hydrated in between rounds. 

#2: Alcohol Packs on the Pounds 

Alcohol packs some serious calories—7 calories per gram. The average drink contains 14 grams of alcohol, which is around 98 calories and that’s before you add in the additional calories from soda, juice or mixers. Over time, these extra calories pack on additional pounds and severely impact your training performance. 

#3: Alcohol Triggers Food Cravings

Alcohol not only increases your appetite, it also increases your chances of overeating. Not only that, alcohol harms your health in a number of ways, including an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, liver disease and digestive problems. 

But if you find yourself out on the town with your besties this holiday season, try to supplement a glass of water every second round to stay hydrated and drink less. Or if you’re super motivated to quit boozing, here are some helpful tips

#4: Alcohol Decreases Sex Drive 

Surprise your lover (or yourself) this holiday season by giving your body the chance for better, hotter sex. 

While you may feel that alcohol gives you more confidence between the sheets, keep in mind that there are quite a few negative aspects to consider before ordering another round.

Penis owners, beware! Erectile dysfunction is a common side effect of alcohol consumption. Numbness and difficulty climaxing are also potential pitfalls. And a dehydrated vagina? No thanks!

So, how exactly can cutting out booze enhance your sex life? You’ll have more strength and stamina to go longer, making it more pleasurable. You’ll also experience the joy of being more present, which enhances stimulation during sex. 

Plus, that fake confidence you once felt after a night out boozing ain’t got nothing on the real confidence gained from being comfortable in your own skin. Virgin mojito, please! 

#5: Alcohol Is Expensive 

All that money you spend buying a round for your buddies, chipping in for a bottle of wine at dinner or stocking up the fridge with beer adds up.

If you’re serious about quitting alcohol, then why not incentivize it? Save the money you would usually spend drinking and watch it grow.  Everybody loves a bit of extra cash, and you can treat yourself to something nice with what you’ve saved.

#6: Alcohol Disrupts Sleep 

Picture this: You’ve just had a few drinks at a holiday party and you’re feeling on top of the world. But just hours later, you wake up in the middle of the night with “hanxiety” (hangover anxiety), worrying over something you might have said or done. 

Or maybe you sleep right through ‘til the morning, but when you wake up, you still don’t feel rested. Would it surprise you to know that although alcohol might make you feel like the life of the party, it can negatively impact your sleep once the party’s over? 

Studies have shown that even with a small consumption of alcohol, you’ll experience reduced REM (rapid eye movement sleep), which is the deepest stage of sleep. Not only that, your circadian rhythm will be disrupted, which may cause you to wake up frequently. Top it off with having to get up in the middle of the night to pee and you’re in for a hellish nightmare! 

The bottom line: Quitting alcohol leads to deeper, better quality sleep, and best of all, no hangovers when you wake up! That’s something money can’t buy.

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Kristy Crowley

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