As we head into spring, losing weight might be on your mind. After all, warmer weather correlates with less clothing!

However, losing weight can be tough, especially without proper motivation. It’s even harder to remember that everyone loses weight in different ways.
Gymondo has collected one of the most inspiring weight loss success stories of 2021. Tessa’s story isn’t just one of weight loss—her story represents the desire to improve her overall health and well-being. Find out how Tessa found happiness and self-confidence through training with Gymondo.
Why did you start working out?
“Above all, I wanted to improve my fitness and get my mental health in check. I started training with Gymondo at a pretty low point in my life—I was feeling down, both physically and mentally.
“I’ve always worked out, but for the first time in my life, I wasn’t training regularly. Without even realizing it, I was suddenly unfit, had no energy and lacked the strength in everyday tasks. And I was just in my early 30s!
“Something had to change. I started training with Gymondo because I was no longer mentally healthy and I was looking for balance in my life.”
Tell us about your successes?
“In the beginning, I didn’t have the goal of losing weight but wanted to improve my mental health and general well-being by incorporating regular exercise into my daily routine. Within the first two months, it was extremely noticeable how much fitter I was. I had stamina and strength again.
“Regular exercise also helped me find a healthy rhythm in my everyday life. At the time, I was dealing with mental health issues, so Gymondo really saved me, especially the program Yoga Recover. After four months, I finally felt physically and mentally fit again. It also helped that I lost eight kilos and have reached my feel-good weight.”
Was it difficult to integrate fitness and healthy eating into your everyday life?
“I never really had to force myself to work out or make a lot of changes in my diet. My problem was just getting started once again. Once I started exercising regularly again, I found it easier to eat more consciously and balanced.
“Now, I eat fewer sweets and try to steer clear of processed foods. Instead, I incorporate fresh fruit, lots of veggies, nuts and dark chocolate into my diet to reduce my sugar cravings. I also prepare the Gymondo recipes here and there, but I don’t really stick to any specific nutrition plan.”
What do you like most about Gymondo?
“I love the variety of programs and workouts. There’s cardio, strength training, yoga, HIIT, Pilates and barre.
“I also think it’s great that I can follow the given programs and don’t have to think about the training plan myself, but, at the same time, can start additional workouts whenever I feel like it. So far, I’ve tried a bit of everything because I love variety.”
How do you stay motivated even in difficult times?
“While this might sound silly, in difficult moments, fitness is more the solution than the problem. For me, the challenge was finding the time to integrate fitness into my daily life.
“Now, I am in a rhythm and usually start exercising right after waking up in the morning. This is the perfect solution for me.”
What are you most proud of?
“Right now, I’m really happy about the changes I’ve witnessed over the past four months. I’ve found my way back into a routine and exercise is a part of my everyday life. I’m super happy that I’m fit and healthy once again.
“Every day, I notice just how closely physical and mental health is intertwined. I’m proud that I’ve prioritized both for my overall health and well-being.”
How has your weight loss changed your life for the better?
“While weight loss was important, it wasn’t the main factor for me. Ultimately, I wanted to return to my feel-good weight, which I accomplished. The decisive factor for me was to get fit, gain strength and improve my overall health and well-being.”
Do you still use Gymondo, even after reaching your goals?
“Right now, I’m about as fit as I was in my 20s and I feel fantastic. Gymondo helped me get there so I don’t plan on stopping! Currently, I’m focused on building more strength and developing more muscle.”
What advice do you have for those just starting their fitness journey?
“Keep going! Do things you enjoy and try new things that get you excited to work out. Exercise shouldn’t feel like a duty—it should be something that you enjoy doing.
“Sometimes, you may have to experiment a little and do different things to find out what suits you and your lifestyle. Once you find it, go for it! If you haven’t found it yet, then you should definitely keep trying and never give up (like I did 2.5 years ago).”
Major weight loss is totally possible. With these helpful tips from Tessa, you too can revamp your habits and feel stronger and healthier than ever before!
Get inspired by more weight loss success stories.
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