New Year. New You!

The turn of the year offers a perfect opportunity to try something new. You’ve committed to a healthier, better way of living, so why not tweak your diet, too?
This January, the hashtag #Veganuary went viral again on social media. In 2021, the campaign encouraged more than half a million people in over 200 countries to try out a purely plant-based diet for one month.
And it’s no surprise it caught on. A number of studies have shown that many components of animal products can cause illness. For example, those who regularly consume red meat are at higher risk of developing heart disease.
So, why not avoid meat, fish and other animal-based foods for at least a month and see how you fare?
Are you afraid of what cutting out animal products might do to your body?
Are you worried about going a month without chomping down on cheese?
We’ll clear up some of the myths about the vegan lifestyle and show you how you can easily master going plant-based with the right preparation, and most importantly, without feeling like you’re missing out.
Preparation Is the Key to Success

Start by using up the contents of your fridge. After all, nobody wants waste. Eliminate all possible temptations (this includes your secret milk chocolate stash, sorry!) and make room for your new vegan produce.
To help you purge your stock, why not invite a bunch of friends over and use up all your animal products over a nice dinner? This will help you convert while allowing you to flex your hosting skills. It’s a win-win!
Okay, now your fridge is finally empty and so is your stomach. It’s time to hit the shops.
There are plenty of meat substitutes to choose from. Whether it’s vegan cheese (yes, you heard me right), oat milk or soy yogurt, you won’t miss out on your pre-vegan faves.
In fact, you might be surprised to find that some meat alternatives taste even better. Try a foamy oat milk latte and tell me I’m wrong.
If you’re not that into tofu, simply grab more fruits and veggies. There’s a bunch of online info about what foods to buy as your base, so you won’t go hungry!
Related: 8 Meat-Free Menu Ideas
Will I Get All the Essential Nutrients I Need From a Vegan Diet?

Many people shy away from a vegan diet because of possible deficiencies. After all, vitamin B12, iron and calcium in particular are mainly found in animal products.
While this fear isn’t entirely unfounded, with a little useful information, you can quickly avoid this problem. You can find vitamin B12 in algae, shiitake mushrooms or fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi.
Living a vegetarian lifestyle, I incorporate B12 into my daily supplement routine, which I highly recommend. But the body can store large amounts of B12, so you don’t have to worry too much. Your body will have stored B12 from years back—clever!
Did you know you can also get calcium from broccoli, spinach and almonds? And flaxseeds offer a good fish alternative for omega-3 fatty acids. However, if you want to ensure that your body is perfectly supplied with iron and calcium, it’s best to take a daily supplement.
Will I Experience Side Effects From Going Vegan?

Any change in diet can cause tiredness, digestive problems, headaches and weight loss. Just make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids, intaking enough calories and eating mostly fresh, unprocessed foods.
It takes a few weeks for your body to get used to this new way of life. Don’t be too impatient with yourself. It’s worth it.
Animal products promote inflammation in the body, so vegans tend to have a better immune system, more energy and better skin. Hello, glowy skin!
What Changes Will I Have to Make in My Everyday Life by Going Vegan?

Don’t worry. You don’t have to completely change your everyday life.
Do you like going out to dinner with friends? Popular apps like Vanilla Bean and Happy Cow show you the nearest restaurants, cafés or shops that have vegan offers.
In larger cities, you’ll have no problem finding at least one or two vegan dishes on the menu. You can often just ask if the chef can prepare a vegan alternative just for you.
Like to cook from home? You’ll find 100s of plant-based meals in the Gymondo app.
Related: Your Beginner-Friendly 7-Day Vegan Challenge and Meal Plan
Even if you’re not ready to go vegan, see how your body responds by going plant-based even if it’s just for a week. Test out a vegan lifestyle on your own terms. Who knows, maybe it’ll stick.
Are you looking for vegan recipe ideas? Choose from 1000+ recipes in the Gymondo app and find healthy, meatless alternatives. Start your free trial today!
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