Gymondo® Magazine: Fitness, Nutrition & Weight Loss

Take Matters Into Your Own Hands: 7 Incredible Benefits of Masturbating

Sexually frustrated? An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away! 

Not only is masturbation pleasurable, it has some serious health benefits, from sleeping better to boosting your mood. Even if you don’t have a partner, masturbating is something you definitely want to add to your routine. 

Here are 7 incredible reasons to take matters into your own hands (literally) and masturbate on the reg. 

#1 Masturbation Boosts Your Immunity

As if you need another excuse to keep your immune system strong. Researchers have found that masturbation increases the number of white blood cells and natural killer cells. Both of these cells fight infection and boost the body’s immune response. 

Other studies suggest orgasming increases levels of cortisol, especially in men. While cortisol usually gets a bad rap as a stress-inducing hormone, it actually helps regulate your immune system. 

#2 Masturbation Increases Your Lifespan

Want to live longer? According to research, the more you masturbate, the longer you’ll live. And if you want to get a bit more specific, it looks like 2 is the lucky number. Masturbate twice or more each week and increase your longevity, hands down! 

#3 Masturbation Helps You Sleep Better

Saying night-night after a killer orgasm will help you sleep much better and deeper. According to the experts, masturbating relieves stress, which leads to better sleep because it gets you in a good state of mind. Not only that, it boosts estrogen levels in women, a hormone that deepens your restorative REM sleep. 

Just imagine that zen-like feeling you get after the big O. Getting yourself off right before bed will have you sleeping like a baby. 

#4 Masturbation Improves Your Skin

Orgasms increase blood flow to your skin, which causes your blood vessels to expand and open. This often results in slightly rosy cheeks (otherwise known as the post-sex glow). If that’s not reason enough to masturbate, how about better skin? Oxytocin is released during an orgasm, which reduces inflammation in the skin. This results in less facial redness and acne.

Related: 5 Must-Do Skin Care Tips Before and After Working Out

#5 Masturbation Improves Your Heart Health

Gymondo workouts aren’t the only way to improve your heart health. Regular orgasms help fight cardiovascular disease. As you orgasm, your heartbeat rises and while it’s not comparable to an intense workout, it’s good for your heart health. In addition, it’s a great way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. So go ahead—cancel your plans, lock your door and grab your favorite sex toy. After all, it’s about your health! 

#6 Masturbation Relieves Pain

Period cramps be gone! Studies suggest there are major physical benefits connected to masturbation. This may explain why orgasms alleviate cramps and back pain associated with PMS. The next time you’re feeling aches and pains, get busy! 

#7 Masturbation Makes You Happy

During an orgasm, endorphins are released, which reduce stress and put you in a great mood. Those endorphins are like the ones you get from a great Gymondo workout! So turn that runner’s high into an orgasm high. 

Hit the Spot

There’s no reason masturbation should be a taboo topic. And the good news is these benefits aren’t just limited to your sexual health. Sexually pleasuring yourself can improve your mental and physical health. So go touch yourself! 

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Kristy Crowley

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