You deserve to be happy.
Work stress? Sleep problems? Relationship troubles? These are the issues we deal with in our day-to-day lives. This is your call to action to prioritize your mental health.
With guided lessons on mindfulness, meditation and simply remembering to breathe, use the next 22 days to be kind to your mind. Dig in to discover a happier, healthier you!
Your 22-Day Self-Care Journey
Welcome to your 22-day Self-Care Journey. We’re so happy you’re here! Over the next 22 days, put yourself at the top of your to-do list by fostering wellness in every aspect of your life. Here’s your guide.
Day 1: Set Goals
Setting fitness goals helps keep you on track to get the results you want. So, grab a pen and paper and set a short- and long-term goal for yourself today.
Day 2: Try Something New
Today, get outside of your comfort zone and try something completely new. Take a new fitness class, learn a new skill or cook a new recipe—the sky’s the limit!
Day 3: Create a Workout Plan
Great results come from great planning. If you want to make the most out of your workouts, plan your training sessions in advance to set yourself up for success. Start by creating a plan for the next 30 days.
Day 4: Reach out to Loved Ones
Today, do something good for others. Volunteer, write a thank you note or reach out to friends and loved ones. Enjoy making someone else feel good and bask in the wonders of connection and interaction.
Day 5: Get a Good Night’s Sleep
A good night’s sleep repairs any damage you’ve done to your body during the day. Tonight, aim for 7-8 hours of quality rest.
Day 6: Go for a Run
Running can significantly improve your mental health, self-confidence and quality of life. So, what are you waiting for? Lace up those sneakers and get moving!
Day 7: Bake Something Delish
When you focus your attention on an activity like baking, you’re more present in the moment and less focused on stressors of the past or future. Today’s your day to whip up something tasty!
Day 8: Smile Often
Laughter is FREE medicine. Today, read a funny book, watch your favorite comedy or simply do more of what makes you laugh. Your mental health will thank you for it.
Day 9: Lift Weights
Strength training is good for both your mind and body. Today, grab a set of dumbbells and get ready to boost your mood and metabolism simultaneously.
Day 10: Get Some Fresh Air
Just 5 minutes of fresh air is enough to reduce stress and boost your mood. Today, take it outside and reap the mental health benefits of the great outdoors.
Day 11: Try a New Recipe
You don’t have to love cooking but the act of it, especially when it’s a meal you’ve never tried before, has emotional, mental and nutritional benefits. Today’s your chance to test out your culinary skills!
Day 12: Write in Your Journal
Writing does wonders for your mental health. Today, jot down whatever comes to mind—how you’re feeling right now, what you’re proud of or what you’re grateful for.
Day 13: Drink 8 Glasses of Water
A recent study found that people who drank less water had a higher risk of depression and anxiety. Today, drink at least 8 glasses of water at regular intervals throughout the day.
Day 14: Write Yourself a Love Letter
If you want to learn to love yourself, you must start with the most important component—self-love. So, grab a pen and some paper and write yourself a love letter.
Day 15: Prepare Your Favorite Dish
Cooking is clinically proven to be a significant confidence booster, so today, prepare your favorite meal and bask in the glory of a job well done.
Day 16: Take a Break From Social Media
Be mindful of how much you check your phone today and try to avoid mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. Notice how much it frees up your mind to think about other things.
Day 17: Try a Yoga Class
Yoga helps your body respond to stress more effectively and may even help you sleep better. So, whether you’re new to yoga or a seasoned pro, today’s your day to show your body and mind some love!
Day 18: Read a Book
Studies suggest reading reduces stress, improves brain function and helps you become more understanding and empathetic. So today, curl up on the couch with your favorite book to support your mental health.
Day 19: Prepare a Healthy Meal
When you stick to a healthy diet, you’re setting yourself up for fewer mood fluctuations, an overall happier outlook and an improved ability to focus. Today, shower yourself with love by preparing a healthy meal.
Day 20: Stretch for 5 Minutes
A good stretch has been shown to decrease depression and anxiety, while reducing stress. So, take 5 minutes out of your day and stretch it out!
Day 21: Write a Dream Journal
A dream journal is a tool used to capture, process and understand your emotions, thoughts and feelings during your conscious sleep state. This morning, write down what you dreamt of last night—either good or bad.
Day 22: Dance for 10 Minutes
Express yourself! Dancing releases those feel-good hormones to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Today, dance like nobody’s watching!
This Calls for Celebration
You deserve a standing ovation for being kind to your mind over the past 22 days! Use this as a springboard into the next phase of your Self-Care Journey. And if you need some help along the way, we’re always here for you. See you around!
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