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The Best 30-Minute Outdoor Park Bench Workout to Lose Weight and Burn Fat

Soak up the sun with this outdoor sweat sesh! You’ll burn a whopping 250 calories in just 30 minutes. 

To lose weight and burn fat, take your training outside. A recent study suggests outdoor exercisers lost an average of 7.43 pounds and 6.17 percent body fat in just 8 weeks. 

So, what is it that makes outdoor training so effective? Outdoor workouts challenge your muscles in different ways. There’s different terrain—hills and obstacles—that increase the intensity of exercising outdoors. And it’s just so darn fun that you barely notice the added challenge. 

Not only that, research claims you’ll boost your mood and increase your self-esteem by performing outdoor exercises. 

Mix up your typical routine by implementing this 30-minute outdoor park bench workout circuit. Try it out at your local park or even in your own backyard. You won’t be disappointed. Get ready to burn up to 250 calories while toning your entire body. 

30-Minute Total-Body Park Bench Workout Circuit 

To get this workout in, all you’ll need is a park bench and a stopwatch or timer. If you’re in your backyard and don’t have access to a bench, just grab a sturdy chair and bring it outside. 

There are 9 exercises in this circuit. Do each exercise for 30 seconds with 15 seconds rest in between. After you finish one round of the circuit (9 exercises in total), rest for 60 seconds.  Repeat the circuit 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds. 

#1 Park Bench Single-Leg Plyos

Here’s how: 

  1. Place your right foot on the bench. Lean onto your right leg and jump upward as your left knee swings forward until it’s parallel with your hips. 
  2. As your left leg swings forward, swing your right arm forward, as if you’re running. 
  3. Slowly lower your left leg back to the start position and keep repeating until time expires. 
  4. Switch sides and repeat on your right foot. 

#2 Park Bench Push-Ups

Here’s how: 

  1. Place your hands on the bench and walk your feet out behind you until your body is in a straight line. Your shoulders should be directly over your wrists with your arms straight. 
  2. Bend at the elbows and lower your chest to the bench. Make sure your elbows remain tight to your body throughout the movement. 
  3. Return to the start position and keep repeating until time expires. 

#3 Park Bench Single-Leg Split Squats

Here’s how: 

  1. Face away from the bench.  
  2. Extend your right leg back, placing your right foot on the bench.  
  3. Bend your left leg so it forms a 90-degree angle. Your left knee should not go past your toes.  
  4. Return to start position and keep repeating until time expires. Then, switch legs and repeat. 

#4 Park Bench Dips

Here’s how: 

  1. Sit on a bench and place your hands (palms facing forward) on either side of your hips.
  2. Slide your butt forward, supporting yourself with your hands Either keep your legs bent for a modified version or extend your legs to bump up the intensity. 
  3. Bend at the elbows, bringing your upper arms (elbow to shoulder) parallel to the ground, then return to the start position. When bending, make sure to keep your elbows tight to your body to take pressure off of your shoulders. 
  4. Keep your lower back close to the bench throughout the exercise. 

#5 Park Bench Step-Ups

Here’s how: 

  1. To start, place your entire right foot on the bench. Press through your right heel and lift your left leg off of the ground and drive your left knee up until it’s parallel with your hip. 
  2. Return to the start position by stepping down with your left foot. Keep repeating on the left side until time expires. 
  3. Then, switch sides and repeat on your right leg. 

#6 Park Bench Mountain Climbers

Here’s how: 

  1. Place your hands on the bench and walk your feet out behind you until your body is in a straight line. Your shoulders should be directly over your wrists with your arms straight. 
  2. Alternate driving your knees into your chest, keeping your hips flat and parallel to the ground.

#7 Park Bench Side Plank With Leg Lift

Here’s how: 

  1. Place your right forearm on the bench and step your feet out so that they are aligned with your right shoulder and hips. 
  2. Stack your feet on top of each other and reach your left arm up toward the sky, keeping your core activated. 
  3. Squeeze your glutes to stabilize your hips and lift your left leg upward. Hold this position until time expires and then repeat on the other side. 

#8 Park Bench Plank Twists

Here’s how: 

  1. Start in a push-up position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists. 
  2. Raise one leg and bring your knee diagonally across your body to meet your opposite elbow. 
  3. Return to start position and repeat with the other leg. Keep alternating legs until time expires. 

#9 Park Bench Plank Jacks

Here’s how: 

  1. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the seat of a park bench. 
  2. Step back into a straight-arm plank with your feet together and your shoulders over your wrists. 
  3. Keep your core engaged and spine lengthened. 
  4. Hop your feet open into a jack position, wider than your shoulders and then immediately hop your feet back together. Keep repeating until time expires. 

It’s summer—the perfect time to get fit and feel happy. Take it outside with Gymondo. Explore 100s of workouts you can take with you wherever you go, from HIIT to yoga, Pilates and more. Start your free trial today and get summer body-confident.

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