Your back is aching, your head is exploding and to make matters worse, your cramps make you double over in pain. Fun times!
While your period cramps may be telling you to stay in bed, exercise will relieve your symptoms and ease your pain. Use these 3 tips to eradicate your symptoms and get back to feeling your absolute best.
Tip #1: Tap Into Your Endorphins
Your period’s just started. Oh no! Are you curled up in a fetal position on the couch? You don’t have to stay there!
As much as you don’t feel like it, exercise can relieve your menstrual cramps (and fast). One of the main benefits of exercise is a natural endorphin high. When endorphins are released in the body, your feel-good hormones are elevated. Because endorphins are a natural painkiller, when they’re released during exercise, you’ll automatically feel relief from painful cramps.
So, to fight back pain, cramps and tiredness, add moderate exercise to your routine. And while exercise is the last thing you want to do, it’s the best thing for you. Opt for low-impact, non-jumping workouts like yoga, Pilates, light strength training and stretching during your menstrual cycle since you may experience lower levels of energy.
Related: How to Tailor Your Workouts to the 4 Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle
Tip #2: Go at Your Own Pace
For starters, think about the areas of your body that are experiencing pain from period cramps—your stomach, lower back, hips and pelvis. These are the areas you should target for pain relief through exercise.
Additionally, you may feel emotional symptoms of PMS. These symptoms can be reduced through light activities such as yoga poses or meditation.
Whether you’re new to yoga and meditation or have significant experience, both practices will help eliminate menstrual cramps. Just remember—go at your own pace and do whatever workout feels good to you.
Related: How to Develop a Mindfulness Routine
Tip #3: Focus on Your Nutrition
Exercise certainly helps, but if you’re downing sugary drinks and greasy food at the same time, you’re not going to feel much better. Even if you’re ravenously craving ice cream, chocolate or fried food, you should try your best to fight it.
Instead, eat a nutrient-rich diet during your period. Sounds boring, but it works wonders.
Research suggests a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and low in animal fats, salt and caffeine helps reduce PMS symptoms.
Avoiding salt helps reduce bloating and abdominal pain, while limiting your caffeine consumption will fight irritability and poor sleep.
Choose a healthy diet high in vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, fish and other sources of omega-3 foods (avocados, flax and chia seeds), lean proteins (legumes, chicken) and whole grains (brown rice, wholewheat pasta, rye bread).
Lean meat is an important source of iron and protein, especially if you suffer from heavy periods. And last but not least, drink more water than you normally do to flush out toxins in the body.
Stay active and eat healthily during your period. Choose gentle workouts and treat your body with understanding, patience and love. Your psyche and your physique will thank you for it.
Ready for some me-time? Start your free trial with Gymondo today and explore 100s of gentle workouts for you and your body. Whatever workout style you prefer, you’ll find the perfect training program for you in the Gymondo app.