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Intermediate vs Advanced Fitness: How Do I Know if I’m Ready to Level Up? Take Our Fitness Check to Find Out

If you’re at an intermediate level of fitness or somewhere in the middle, then you already know how to fit exercise into your daily routine. 

Your focus should now be on challenging your body and mind in new ways.

But when do you know it’s time to pick it up a notch? Take our fitness check to determine if you should move up a level or stay where you’re at. 

Intermediate Fitness Level: Medium

You know you aren’t a fitness newbie anymore but you aren’t a fitness expert either. Not to fear—this is a great place to be! 

Intermediates are the next level up from beginners and fit into the category that the majority of the population falls into. If you’ve been working out consistently for the last six months or more, then you’re most likely at an intermediate level.

At this point, you’ve already completed a beginner program that allowed you to build up a base level of strength and endurance. By now, you’ve improved your work capacity, increased the intensity of your workouts and learned (or nearly mastered) perfect technique for most exercises. 

Understanding Your Fitness Level

You’re at a point in your fitness journey when exercise has become easier. No longer do you have to stop the Gymondo workout video 10 minutes in to take a break.

Recently, you waved bye-bye to the modified version of exercises and are now trying the harder variations with ease. But you’re still not a master.

You may still struggle with burpees, plyo lunges, kneeless push-ups and other challenging exercises. Just give it time—you’ll get there!  

Up to this point, you’ve been training at least 3-4 days a week and understand how to perform each exercise with proper technique. The intensity of your workouts has increased, the rest intervals between exercises have decreased and you’re noticing that completing a routine is less challenging than in the past. 

So, what now? Should you stay at the intermediate level or start an advanced program? Let’s find out! 

Determine Your Fitness Level

If you’re not sure if you’re a true intermediate, take our fitness check to determine if you should move up a level or stay where you’re at. 


Before deciding on advanced workouts, be honest with yourself about what your body can do and your current physical abilities. This will help you determine the best training plan for your individual needs. 

And there’s no need to rush. Don’t push yourself too hard too fast just because someone next to you is more advanced. We come in all shapes and sizes and need to train according to our abilities and body types. 

With Gymondo, you can always modify exercises within your individualized training program. 

Fitness programs are created for different levels for a reason. Consider your lifestyle and goals and set realistic expectations for yourself. Take into account what works best for you and gradually advance into harder programs within the Gymondo app

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