Cost-effective, super handy, versatile…the Theraband is simply the best choice for healthy, safe training at home. Strength develops dynamically in all movements against the resistance of the Therabands—the more you stretch it, the greater the resistance. In addition, incorrect movement using momentum is highly unlikely. Back exercises with the Theraband are therefore gentler and more natural than with normal dumbbell training.

Here are the 7 best back exercises with the Theraband for a strong back and good posture. Be sure to try them out! But first, the golden rules of safety:
- Always anchor the Theraband safely. Before you build up resistance, you should always make sure that the band is firmly secured, whether under your feet, knees or hands—it mustn’t slip out!
- Check for holes or cracks. If your band has small cracks or is brittle, it could break. You can avoid this by carefully examining it beforehand for small holes, etc.
- Hold the Theraband with neutral, straight wrists. As soon as resistance is built up, don’t ben your wrists.
Now you’ve been briefed so let’s dig right in!
1. Rowing – Best Exercise for the Entire Back
With this exercise, you work out the back muscles that will ensure good posture. You train the upper back, the back of the shoulders, the traps and the arm muscles.
Rowing: Starting Position

Start in a hip-width stance, knees slightly bent. Have the Theraband under your feet. Hold equal length segments in your hands. Lean forward from the hips with a straight back.
Make sure to:
Check the alignment of your spine with a sideways glance in the mirror. Your spine should be aligned from your tailbone to the top of your head. Tuck your chin in slightly, neck elongated, shoulder blades back and low and slightly pull the band towards your stomach.
Rowing: End Position

Pull your elbows close to your body until your fists are at about navel height and your arms are bent at right angles. Then, go back to the starting position.
Make sure:
That only the arms and the shoulder blades are moving—the rest of your body needs to remain firm and your back must be straight and long. Your movement should be controlled and executed over the largest possible radius. Your Theraband should remain slightly taut throughout and not hang loosely.
2. Upper Body Rotation: Strengthen Your Back and Waist
With this exercise, you strengthen the muscles of your upper back and your oblique abdominal muscles. This will improve your core strength and mobilize the spine at the same time.
Upper Body Twist: Starting Position

Start on all-fours, knees under the hips, hands under the shoulders. Secure the Theraband under your hands. Hold each end with one hand. The ends should be equal in length.
Make sure that:
Your back is straight and long and your head is in line with the spine. Tuck your chin in slightly, neck elongated, shoulder blades back and low and slightly pull the tummy in and up.
Upper Body Twist: End Position

Turn the upper body from the waist and pull your stretched arm sideways up towards the ceiling. Then come back to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.
Make sure:
The upper arm stays in line with the shoulder and your wrist is stable and straight. Again, your execution should be controlled and over the largest possible radius. Your Theraband should remain slightly taut throughout and not hang.
3. Lat Pull: Effective Back Strengthening
With this exercise, you will work the broad back muscle, the muscles of the upper back and the back extensor. This ensures a good, upright posture in everyday life.
Lat Pull: Starting Position

Start in a hip-width stance, knees slightly bent. Hold the Theraband in both hands. Lean forward from the hips with your back straight and guide your stretched arms over your head.
Make sure:
Your back is straight from the tailbone to the top of your head—not hunchbacked. Your neck should be long and relaxed, so there is room between your ears and shoulders. The Theraband should be under slight tension and the ends on both sides should be the same length.
Lat Pull: End Position

Pull your elbows back and, at the same time, pull the Theraband apart until your elbows are bent at approximately right angles. Then go back to the starting position and release the tension.
Make sure to:
Only move your arms. Keep your body calm and the back straight and long. Your movement should be controlled and executed over the largest possible radius. Your Theraband should remain slightly taut throughout and not hang loosely.
4. Diagonal Arm Lifts: For Upright Posture
With this exercise, you work on the back muscles that keep your shoulder blades low and back. This improves your upper body posture in everyday life.
Diagonal Arm Lifts: Starting Position

Start in a hip-width stance, knees slightly bent. Cross the Theraband under your feet. Hold the equal length segments in your hands and place these on your hips.
Make sure:
You are standing upright and straight. Pull your chin in slightly, keep the neck elongated, shoulder blades back and low and your stomach tight. The Theraband should be secured under your feet and flat under the soles of your feet, not twisted.
Diagonal Arm Lifts: End Position

Pull your outstretched arm diagonally upwards and then come back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other arm.
Make sure:
The arm is straight and stretched upward and the movement is only in the shoulder. The rest of your body remains firm and upright. Your movement should be controlled and fluid and executed over the largest possible radius. Your Theraband should remain slightly taut throughout.
5. Rotation to the Outside: For Healthy Shoulder Alignment
Granted, this exercise does not train the back directly, but rather the outer rotators of the shoulder. This exercise is very important for healthy shoulder alignment.
Rotation to the Outside: Starting Position

Start in an upright, hip-width stance. Slightly bend the knees. Cross and secure the Theraband under your feet. Hold the same length in your hands and bend both arms to 90°. In this position, point your bent fingers toward the ceiling and the backs of your hands towards the floor.
Make sure to:
Stay absolutely upright against the tension that pulls you forward. This means lifting your chest while at the same time pulling your shoulder blades back and down.
Rotation to the Outside: End Position

Pull your elbows close to your body while pulling your fists to the sides at about belly button height. Keep your arms bent at right angles. Then go back to the starting position.
Make sure:
Only your forearms are moving—your upper arms should remain close to the torso and your posture should remain upright and straight. Your movement should be controlled and executed over the largest possible radius. Your Theraband should remain slightly taut throughout.
6. Leg Extensions: To Strengthen the Back and Pectoral Muscles
With this exercise, you work the pectoral muscles and back muscles. Since the pectoral muscles stretch the hips, it is the perfect balance for those who have a busy professional working life.
Leg Extensions: Starting Position

Get on all fours with your back straight. Have your knees under your hips, your hands holding equal lengths of the Theraband. Step with one foot into the band and come to the starting position with both knees at 90°.
Make sure to:
Maintain proper posture—tuck your chin in slightly, neck elongated, shoulder blades back and low and slightly pull in your tummy. The band should lie flat around your foot and your foot remains flexed—pull your toes up.
Leg Extensions: End Position

Stretch your leg back against the tension of the Theraband until your leg aligns with your back and then go back to the starting position.
Make sure:
Your extended leg only goes as high as your hip—no higher! Avoid a hollow back by flexing your abdominal muscles. Your movement should be controlled and your Theraband always slightly taut.
7. Horizontal Pull: Effective Upper Back Training
With this exercise, you train the upper back muscles and the back of the shoulder for optimal upper-body posture in everyday life.
Horizontal Pull: Starting Position

Start in a hip-width stance, knees slightly bent. Hold the equal-length segments of the Theraband in your hands at chest height. Have your hands shoulder-width apart and the Theraband slightly taut.
Make sure:
Your neck is correctly aligned! Tuck your chin in slightly, neck elongated, shoulder blades back and down. Pull in your stomach slightly.
Horizontal Pull: End position

Pull your hands apart horizontally and bring your shoulder blades together until the band almost touches your chest. Then go back to the starting position in a calm and controlled manner.
Make sure to:
Stop just before touching your chest. Don’t over-pull! Keep your shoulders down and your neck long. Your Theraband should remain slightly taut throughout.
Execute each exercise until you feel muscle fatigue or until you can no longer ensure correct execution. Or, perform 10-15 reps of each exercise in a row and count it as one set. Rest one minute between sets and repeat two to three more times depending on your fitness level. As a supplement, you can train your core between each set. Planks would be an excellent exercise to add.
We hope you have lots of fun (and success) trying out these exercises. With Gymondo, you will find the training that suits your fitness level. Train whenever and wherever you want with more than 200 workouts to choose from. Our motivating coaches will give you the perfect feeling after every workout. You’ll look forward to your workouts every time you train with us.

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