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We’ve all heard the dreaded names before—Atkins, South Beach, keto, intermittent juicing—typically low- to no-carb varieties promising extreme weight loss. Unfortunately, the only thing these weight loss plans have in common—aside from being trendy and torturous—is that sooner or later they fail you or you fail them.
In fact, research indicates a 95% failure rate. No wonder when we stop them, we feel like complete failures (and famished for carbs). Not to mention, we’re no leaner than when we started. And the proof is in the pudding—study after study suggests dieting is the strongest predictor for future weight gain! In this article, we’ll uncover 3 scientifically proven reasons why fad diets simply don’t work and the best ways to lose weight.
#1: Fad Diets Set You Up for Failure
Fad diets are typically characterized by the words “no” and “can’t.” From sugar-free to dairy-free, we’re destined for a fun-free adventure in taste-free food. These strict diet regimes typically leave us feeling depleted, especially around the holidays.
Just imagine you’re at the yearly holiday office party, salivating over the long table filled with delicious appetizers. Now, here comes the dreaded word, “cant.” “I can’t have a single one of those tasty snacks.” But fast forward a few more minutes. If you’re like me, you’ve given in to your urges and inhaled 4 or 5 of those fried wontons and are ready for your next round. And then the guilt sets in. Later that evening, when you arrive home, all you do is shame yourself for giving in to temptation.
But hey, it’s not your fault! See, we’re automatically setting ourselves up for failure by telling ourselves we can’t have something in the first place. Why do you think the greatest basketball coach of all time, Pat Summit, didn’t allow her players or coaches to use the words “I can’t?” It’s associated with failure!
In fact, researchers suggest changing your language from “I can’t” to “I don’t” makes us 8 times more likely to make healthy decisions when it comes to food. Changing our inner voice helps us take control of how we eat and what we put in our mouths. It’s a way better approach than feeling deprived of the things we like.
#2: Fad Diets Slow Down Your Metabolism
Did you know the key to losing weight is to keep your metabolism guessing? Before you try that next trendy fad diet, beware—you’re missing out on a proven weight loss technique! When we’re stuck eating (or not eating) the same things over and over, our metabolism gets lazy and starts slowing down.
According to Mark MacDonald, author of Body Confidence, “every single time you miss a meal, your blood sugar drops and your body over-releases a hormone that makes you burn muscle, not fat, That’s why dieting fails people long-term—because it creates a core deficit that makes you burn muscle. Then, you head into your next meal not craving chicken or tuna—you crave carbohydrates. But adding carbs back into your diet (once you’ve deprived them for so long), your blood sugar will spike, causing your body to over-release insulin and store fat. The more fat, the lower your metabolism.”
Your own common sense (and research) suggests that most people should eat a varied diet, loading up on vegetables, fruits, whole grains and proteins, while minimizing the amount of processed food and sugars. Let’s face it—most of us would benefit from cutting back on sugars and junk food.
By eating a well-balanced diet (including carbs) and indulging in some not-so-healthy foods occasionally (notice I didn’t say “all the time”), you’ll drastically improve the speed of your metabolism. Why? Occasional indulgence coupled with a well-balanced diet stimulates leptin, a hormone responsible for sending hunger messages to the brain. In return, our bodies are forced to burn extra calories (especially calories from fat). This keeps our metabolism running at full force. Without the occasional indulgence, your leptin will plummet, resulting in a slowed metabolic rate. Simply put, it becomes a lot harder to burn those calories when you don’t allow yourself to indulge.
#3: Fad Diets Set Unreasonable Expectations
We all get cravings. Those tempting ads before the movie starts or those delicious smells coming from that fast-food chain down the street are hard to ignore (and resist). But man, fad diets simply won’t allow it! And let’s face it, some days poached eggs and kale simply won’t cut it. The rest of the day we’ll be dreaming about Boston cream donuts. And if you’re anything like me, the longer we resist the urge, the louder the longings get until we lose complete control.
But don’t fret. A recent study concluded that people who give in to their sweet cravings occasionally have better weight loss success. These experts suggest having a bit of dessert with breakfast is a winning strategy to stave off the massive cravings later in the day. Pancakes it is!
What’s the Best Way to Lose Weight?
Start by eliminating the word “diet” from your vocabulary! This is a lifestyle change—not a quick fix. Replace “diet” with “nutrition plan.” Substitute “cheat day” with “reward meal.” Then, make it happen.
Eat nutrient-dense foods from every food group in the amount that’s right for your body. And trust us—you don’t need to completely eliminate anything. Have an occasional glass of wine or that divine cinnamon roll with your kids on a Sunday morning. But make sure you intake plenty of those high-quality foods too!
Eating should be pleasurable—not controlled and boring. So go ahead and indulge a bit. The key is not letting that 8-ounce glass of soda turn into a McDonald’s SuperSize.
And please don’t get discouraged. It takes time to develop habits that stick. So slow down and give yourself enough time to develop a routine that will really change the way you eat for the long-term. Set some goals and focus on the quality of your food, not the quantity. In no time, healthy foods will become a way of life!
Need some help setting obtainable goals? Read our helpful article on setting SMART goals to reach your full potential.
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