#1: Keep a Gratitude Journal
Noting your gratitude seems to pay off in big ways. There’s a growing body of research on the benefits of giving thanks and counting blessings, including better sleep, lowered stress levels and improved interpersonal relationships.
And if you have kids, take note. A recent study suggests that keeping a gratitude journal decreases materialism and bolsters generosity among adolescents.
#2: Laugh Out Loud
It’s true—a giggle a day keeps the doctor away. Not to mention, laughter is free medicine.
When you laugh, your body releases endorphins into your bloodstream which naturally increase your body’s natural painkilling response and improve your mood.
But those feel-good hormones do more than just improve your mood—they reduce stress, boost immunity and relax your muscles.
So, read a funny book, watch your favorite comedy or simply do more of what makes you laugh. Your mental health will thank you for it.
#3: Surround Yourself With Positive People
One of the most important decisions you’ll ever make is who you decide to spend time with, so choose wisely.
That’s because those you spend the most time with have a huge influence on your mood and how you view the world, yourself and others. Surrounding yourself with positive people pays off, since you’ll be more likely to adopt empowering beliefs and see life happening for you, not to you.
So, identify positive people, decide to surround yourself with greatness and let go of relationships that are holding you back.
The bottom line: Those you spend the most time with is who you eventually become, so make sure to surround yourself with people who not only inspire you, but challenge you.
#4: Let Go of Negative Relationships
Is arguing with your partner the new norm? Or maybe your best mate is jealous of your accomplishments? The first step in making positive changes is to identify the people in your life who are holding you back.
Letting go of negative relationships will open up the space to surround yourself with positive people.
If you’re not sure where to start, think about how you feel after spending time with someone. Do they give you energy and make you feel good about yourself? Or do you feel drained, fearful or agitated after spending time together?
Then, listen to your emotions. They’ll let you know how you feel and what you need to do about it.
The bottom line: If a relationship doesn’t leave you feeling good, consider letting it go.
#5: Stop Negative Thinking
Attitude is everything, so if it’s predominantly negative, it impacts all components of your life, including your health, career, family, relationships and more.
Luckily, you can train yourself to think more positively in 4 simple steps:
1. Notice when you’re thinking negatively.
2. Acknowledge that it’s a pattern you want to change.
3. Articulate what you want to change.
4. Choose a different response—one that serves your goals.
#6: Live in the Moment
Does your mind often drift and wander? You’re not alone. Many of us—including myself—respond to emotional stress and uncertainty by disengaging from the present.
And while committing to being present can feel particularly challenging, it’s worth the work, especially if you’re prone to worrying about the future or wish you could turn back the hands of time.
But you can’t change the past nor predict the future, so why try?
If you’re not sure how to cultivate “presence” into your life, use these 4 tips to live more in the moment:
- Add 5 minutes of mindfulness to your morning routine through meditation.
- Savor the taste and smell of your morning coffee or tea.
- Note sounds—music, birds, voices.
- Enjoy the warmth of your morning shower as the water hits your skin.
At first, it might seem uncomfortable, but over time, you may begin to realize you’re living in the moment without even thinking about it.
#7: Try New Things Often
No matter if you’re an adrenaline junkie or if changing your toothpaste brand is a huge feat, there are significant psychological benefits to breaking free from your routine.
In fact, engaging in a variety of experiences is linked to positive emotions, reduced stress and higher self-esteem and confidence.
But we’re oftentimes still scared to take the leap. Studies even suggest we fear an unknown outcome more than we do a known bad one. What if I fail? What if it’s dangerous? These questions swim through our minds.
But if you think about it, most of the things we fear don’t actually come to pass. So, what can you do about it?
Use these helpful tips:
- Start small. Think of overcoming your fear as a staircase—take it one step at a time.
- Accept fear. Recognize that you’re afraid, then focus your efforts on building up your courage instead of beating yourself up for feeling fearful.
- Focus on what you can control. For example, if you’re nervous about joining a gym, start an online fitness program instead. This is completely under your control. What’s not is how many people are in the gym or if the machines work. Worrying about things outside of your control isn’t useful.
- Manage your expectations. Don’t throw in the towel if you don’t achieve immediate success. Instead, allow yourself to get used to your new hobby. It’s not always love at first sight. Sometimes, you need some time to adapt. And guess what? That’s completely okay!
#8: Carve Out Some “Me” Time
Spending time alone is self-care at its finests. Not only does it heighten your emotional intelligence, it sparks creativity, boosts self-esteem, improves mental health and increases your empathy and compassion.
So, where to start?
- Fit yourself into your schedule, just like you’d do for a work event or friend.
- Learn to say no. Just because you’re popular doesn’t mean you have to always say yes.
- Treat yourself. Run a warm bath, get a mani and pedi, read a good book or binge-watch your favorite series. Just do whatever feels good.
- Take up a new hobby. Do a home workout, get crafty or try a new recipe — there are literally 100s of 1000s of ways to sneak in some dedicated “me” time into your day.
For more happiness hacks, start your free trial with Gymondo, where you’ll find mood-boosting workouts and recipes. See you on the mat!