Many of us chase the goals of losing weight and getting fit by joining a gym, at an average annual cost of $800. According to research, 63% of all gym memberships go unused. Others spring for fancy treadmills and expensive weight machines that often end up collecting dust in a corner. But there are other ways to stay motivated to lose weight and get fit without breaking the bank. And during times like this, when it’s simply impossible to go to the gym, we need more motivation than ever before. Try these 5 tips to stay motivated to work out at home.
#1 Develop a Clear Plan
Setting fitness goals drastically improves your quality of life and significantly increases your lifespan. Isn’t it exciting that something as simple as exercise will add years to your life?
Creating a clear plan using SMART principles is essential to reaching your fitness goals. Focus on quick wins—small, actionable goals that you can accomplish in a short period of time—like working out three times a week or running 20 minutes a day. Try not to dwell on the big picture, such as losing 20 pounds in 90 days. Regularly check in with your plan to make sure you’re staying on track to reach your goals.
#2 Create Your Own Workout Space
Do you find yourself heading to the same workout space every time you go to the gym? You’re certainly not alone. There’s comfort in familiarity. The same can be said from home. Creating your own workout space from home is an excellent way to feel safe and in control of your environment.
Choose an area of your home that is calming and makes you feel good. If you don’t have access to a spare room you can solely dedicate to working out, find a spot where you can easily layout your mat (and equipment, if needed). If you need access to your computer or TV to start your Gymondo workout videos, head to your living room or bedroom. It doesn’t matter where you are, as long as you stay motivated. When the mood strikes, you don’t want any obstacles in your way.
#3 Pump Up the Volume
Listening to music while working out not only relieves boredom — it also improves the quality of your training by increasing your stamina and putting you in a better mood. Music that is motivational or synchronized with your workout is shown to have positive physical and psychological effects. When a song has a strong, steady beat, you can pick up the intensity, which will inspire you to exercise even longer. Choosing the right playlist quiets that voice in your head telling you to stop. Instead, you’ll pick up the pace and go that extra 10 minutes! So, pump up the volume!
#4 Exercise Quickly and Effectively
Short on time? No problem Gymondo offers 15-, 20- and 25- minute workout routines designed to target your entire body. It’s user-friendly and suited for people who lack workout equipment or are just starting out on their fitness journey. You can choose your own schedule but we recommend starting out with a 15-minute workout three days a week for the next eight to 12 weeks. And the app is as diverse as you are. Explore HIIT, yoga, barre, pilates, strength training, cardio-core classes and more. Whatever you’re into, you can find it.
#5 Join a Supportive Online Community
Outside support is a crucial component to stay motivated and keep your workout plan on track. Teaming up with a supportive community can boost your motivation and self-esteem. And a bit of friendly competition doesn’t hurt—it can help push you along in your fitness journey. If you’re looking for a support network, join our friendly Facebook community, where you’ll find valuable tips and tricks on everything health and fitness, plus delicious (and healthy) recipe ideas. We share our wins and frustrations, knowing our shame-free community always has our back.
Staying Motivated From Home Made Easy
With the right plan, program, setting, music and mindset, you can start reaping the rewards of healthy living without ever leaving your home. It’s time to get moving!