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5 Tips to Prioritize Your Relationship With Yourself This Holiday Season

Shopping for gifts, preparing dinner parties, holiday invites — the list keeps getting longer. With all of these events coming at you, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed over the holidays. Use these 5 tips to prioritize your relationship with yourself this holiday season.

Tip 1: Engage in a Wellness Ritual

It’s probably been way too long since you took some quality time for yourself. Make this holiday season all about you. Practice self-love by engaging in a mindful wellness ritual. Gift yourself a spa day, get a facial or indulge in a wellness treatment that soothes your body, mind and soul. And if you’re not up for leaving the house, grab a glass of wine, light some candles and take a warm bubble bath. This is a surefire way to instantly uplift your spirits.

Tip 2: Surround Yourself With Positive People 

One of the most important decisions you’ll ever make is who you decide to spend time with, so choose wisely this holiday season. 

That’s because those you spend the most time with have a huge influence on your mood and how you view the world, yourself and others. Surrounding yourself with positive people pays off, since you’ll be more likely to adopt empowering beliefs and see life happening for you, not to you. 

So, identify positive people, decide to surround yourself with greatness and let go of relationships that are holding you back.

The bottom line: Those you spend the most time with is who you eventually become, so make sure to surround yourself with people who not only inspire you, but challenge you. 

Tip 3: Commit to Daily Exercise 

Over the holiday season, it’s way too easy to find yourself melting into the couch with the TV remote glued to one hand and an unhealthy snack in the other. And while chillaxing is important, lying around all day can make you feel even more sluggish. Who needs that?

Whether it’s a light jog, ice skating or yoga, moving your body every single day has numerous benefits—more energy, increased endorphins and a better mood to name just a few. 

You can easily fit fitness into your work schedule or make it a fun and shared activity that the whole family can enjoy. It definitely beats arguing over which board game to play. Prioritizing your health (and getting your loved ones onboard) is the perfect holiday vibe. 

Tip 4: Be Grateful 

Noting your gratitude seems to pay off in big ways, especially over the holiday season. There’s a growing body of research on the benefits of giving thanks and counting blessings, including better sleep, lowered stress levels and improved interpersonal relationships. 

And if you have kids, take note. A recent study suggests that being grateful decreases materialism and bolsters generosity among adolescents.

Tip 5: Do a Buffet Once-Over 

Instead of blindly loading up your plate with everything in sight, scan the spread so you know exactly what to expect. Then, help yourself to a few things you love. And before you even head out the door to your next holiday party, eat a healthy snack. This will curb your appetite and help you make better choices in the buffet line. 

Gymondo helps you prioritize your needs and your health this holiday season and beyond. Discover over 500 workouts and 1000 recipes adapted to your level, goals and mood. Start your free trial today and see for yourself.

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