Dominic lost 44 pounds with Gymondo with consistent workouts and conscious nutrition he is maintaining his new weight. He is now fitter, more active, and more self-confident! Read his motivational story here and then set off on your own path to success.
Dominic, we’re proud of you! How much did you lose and how long did it take you?
From October 2018 to March 2019, I lost about 40 pounds and I’ve kept it off.
Awesome! How often did you work out each week?
3-5 times a week! And since Gymondo can also be used on my tablet, I even squeezed in some workouts while on vacation.
When did you realise unhealthy habits start creeping in?
I had changed jobs, was commuting for 2 hours a day, and barely had time to exercise. I sat all day on the job and had a lot of greasy food in the cafeteria: a recipe for disaster.
What exactly bothered you about this change that you decided to do something about it?
At some point, I looked at myself in the mirror and just did not feel good about myself anymore. My clothes were getting tighter and everything just looked wrong.
Why did you choose Gymondo?
I had already tried several gym memberships. They’re usually expensive, plus you get the feeling of being watched from all sides. That wasn’t for me. I also didn’t like having to commute to the gym.
What was your first positive experience with Gymondo?
That was when I had already lost the first few pounds after a couple of weeks. I felt fitter and, despite the almost continuously sore muscles, I have always been motivated. The Facebook community helped me a lot too.
That’s nice to hear! Was there a moment of happiness when you realized it was worth committing to it?
Definitely! Having to buy a new wardrobe because all my clothes were two sizes too big was a huge moment. Around that time I also realized how much sugar and trash I was putting into my body with my old diet. For example, sweets that I used to like now taste much too sweet. Now, you go through life being more aware.
You’ve surely had moments that weren’t quite so happy, right? Were there any phases where you were in doubt?
Christmas! Cookies everywhere and delicious food. Everyone was piling it on and I would have preferred to skip all that.
How did friends and relatives react to your change?
Since I had already tried to lose weight before, they first dismissed it as a phase. Unfortunately, I had never been as consistent with my diet in the past as I am now with Gymondo. Nowadays, people are shocked by my physical appearance and how much progress I’ve made, especially when they see old photos of me.
Was there something that motivated you to stick to your goal?
Looking in the mirror and seeing how my body is a bit more defined and firmer after each workout.
What has changed in your life since your transformation?
I’ve become more active outside of Gymondo. I go jogging, biking, and hiking. I feel more balanced and hardly have any back pain.
Do you have a special tip for those who want to lose weight just like you?
Really pay close attention to the food you buy. So-called “diet foods” often have much more sugar than normal ones. Many foods are simply so processed. Cook dishes that you like, see what ingredients are in the recipe, and compare that with the ingredients in that frozen meal. You’ll become so much more aware!
What’s your next goal? Maintain your current weight? Continue to lose weight? Run an Iron Man?
My next goal is to participate in a half marathon this year, and then a marathon next year. I will maintain my weight now and continue to build muscle mass.