Gymondo® Magazine: Fitness, Nutrition & Weight Loss

Kategorie: Weight Loss

Losing Weight Without Exercising—Is That Possible?

Is it possible to lose weight without exercising? While exercise helps you reach your weight loss goal faster, you can still burn calories without hitting the gym. Here are 10 brilliant tips to lose weight without physical exercise. 10 Tips to Lose...

Frau mit Sixpack

Strength training: The best diet in the world

Do you want to lose weight? Are you torturing yourself with hours of endurance training? Stop! Dennis explains why weight training is the best diet in the world. What good does weight training do when losing weight is supposed to be best achieved...

Frau in Sportkleidung trinkt aus einer Flasche nach dem Fitnesstraining

Losing weight without getting flabby skin

There’s more than one way to lose weight. It’s not just about losing as many pounds as possible but feeling confident afterward. You should pay close attention to your skin. We will show you how to prevent sagging skin and strengthen...

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Note: People who have diabetes or are pregnant are not advised to participate in the online program without consulting their doctor first. The online program is also not suitable for treating pathological overweight.