Gymondo® Magazine: Fitness, Nutrition & Weight Loss

Kategorie: Weight Loss

7 Ways to Burn Calories Without Breaking a Sweat

Exercise doesn’t necessarily have to involve sweating it out to your favorite Gymondo workout or heading to the gym for a cardio class. Activities outside of your normal workout routine burn calories too. But we often fail to count all the...

So viele Kalorien hat Alkohol

Does Alcohol Hinder Your Fat Loss?

Alcoholic beverages are hidden calorie bombs. Did you know that alcohol has almost as many calories as pure fat? Since alcohol is made from sugar and starch, it contains 7 calories per gram—almost twice as many as protein and carbs (4 calories...

BMI Messen

Hit a Wall in Your Weight Loss?

After initial rounds of success, you’ll eventually reach a plateau in your weight loss. You may be saying to yourself, “damn it, why am I not losing more weight?” You’re putting in the effort, never missing a workout and...

Ein Tisch mit verschiedenen fetthaltigen Lebensmitteln.

Low-Carb Alternatives for Bread, Pasta, Etc.

At Gymondo, we’re focused on what really matters—a life-long commitment to health and well-being. While your body needs carbs (the good kinds), here are some low-carb alternatives to power you through your day. The Bread Substitute: Rice...

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Note: People who have diabetes or are pregnant are not advised to participate in the online program without consulting their doctor first. The online program is also not suitable for treating pathological overweight.