Gymondo® Magazine: Fitness, Nutrition & Weight Loss

Kategorie: Nutrition

The Healing Power of Spices: Our Top 5 Picks

Can everyday kitchen seasonings actually improve your health?  Chances are, you’re sprinkling cinnamon on your morning latte (it’s actually delicious if you haven’t tried it) or adding a dash of cayenne pepper in your favorite...

30-Day Eat Well Summer Challenge

No restrictions. No ho-hum meals. No taking the fun out of eating! Does the word “diet” make you cringe? There’s no such thing here!  This 30-Day Eat Well Summer Challenge will whip your diet into shape without leaving you...

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Note: People who have diabetes or are pregnant are not advised to participate in the online program without consulting their doctor first. The online program is also not suitable for treating pathological overweight.